Texas Instruments (TI) meets the needs of global customers through a one-stop innovation, manufacturing, and sales process

Source: Time: 2023-11-27

Texas Instruments (TI) meets the needs of customers worldwide, with a one-stop innovation, manufacturing, and sales process. Texas Instruments was founded in 1947 by Cecil H. Green, J. Eric Johnson, Eugene McDermott, and Patrick E. Haggerty. Originally used by its parent company Geophysical Service Incorporated (GSI) to produce newly invented transistors, McDermott was the founder of GSI when it was first founded in 1930. McDermott, Green, and Johnson later bought this company in 1941. Texas Instruments exists to create, make, and market useful products and services to satisfy the needs of its customers throughout the world. - Patrick Haggerty, Texas Instruments Statement of Purpose, In November 1945, Patrick Haghti was hired as the General Manager of the Laboratory and Manufacturing (L&M) department. 

In 1951, the L&M department quickly surpassed GSI's geographic department with its defense contracts. The company was renamed General Instrument. In the same year, it was renamed Texas Instruments, which is its current name. GSI gradually became a subsidiary of Texas Instruments until it was sold to Halliburto Corporation in 1988.


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