Motor Vibration Detection Solution Based on STM32L4 Series MCU + LIS2DS12TR + MP34DT05TR-A

Source: Time: 2023-11-09

With the rapid development of Industry 4.0, the detection of industrial equipment, the demand for early warning has gradually increased;

STM32L4/L4+ series MCU is a M4 core, main frequency up to 120MHz, the lowest power consumption can be as low as 0.39uA (RTC + RAM molde) of the new generation of low-power MCUs, with high-capacity built-in memory, Flash can be as high as 2Mbytes, RAM can be up to 640Kbytes; with a wealth of peripheral interfaces. USART, UART, I2C, SPI, CAN, USB, DCMI (digital camera), LCD-TFT and so on, support FreeRTOS and FatFs, is a very strong scalability of the ultra-low-power hardware platform;

LIS2DS12 is a 3-axis accelerometer with range up to ±16g, supporting ODR 6400HZ output, SPI and I2C interfaces, and LGA-12 package, which is suitable for vibration, tilt, gesture recognition and other detection in a variety of occasions;

MP34DT05-A is an omni-directional sensitive digital microphone with very low power consumption and very high sensitivity (-26 dBFS ± 3 dB), suitable for audio data acquisition in a variety of occasions, in this program, we used for motor noise, noise detection.

ST original factory to provide a complete open source program based on FreeRTOS, including drawings of open source evaluation board, driver library, algorithm firmware library; supporting the upper computer software, can greatly shorten the development cycle.


►The actual picture of the PCB board:


►Program Block Diagram


►Core Technology Advantages


With M4 high-performance core, main frequency up to 80MHZ/120MHZ, rich peripheral interfaces and large-capacity embedded storage (up to 2M/640K), very low standby power consumption (0.39uA), to meet the needs of a variety of scenarios have scalability needs of product development;


Small size, low power consumption, long-term stable supply guarantee, to meet the application needs of industrial products;


A low distortion digital microphone with a signal-to-noise ratio of 64 dB and a sensitivity of -26 dBFS±3 dB, the advantages of size and power consumption bring very many advantages in design and application.

►Program Specifications

1.Input Voltage: 3.7V



4.dmic:fCLK=2Mhz (normal mode)


185 0303 2423


